White Race - Curse of Modern Time


White Race - Curse of Modern Time

For over last three centuries, White Race, primarily from European and North American countries, had shown unbelievable inhumanity, criminal nature, cheating and lies, colonialism and extreme bad treatment to the local inhabitants, which would put any seasoned criminal also to shame.

In the name of trade and exploration of different shore, white race from different countries from Europe like Britain, Spain, Portugal, Holland, France etc moved out to different parts of the world and started showing their cunningness, which were far beyond the trading activity.

With industrial revolution in Europe and gaining military power, these countries, which were lacking in resources & strong finance condition, knocked to the doors of developed countries of those days in other part of the world to start trade & plan to capture power in the name of trading.

In the process they started destroying great culture of these developed countries like Egypt, India, Southeast Asian countries, China, Inkas of Mexico etc. These countries had high level of Culture, Economics and Administration for the wellbeing of the people. Most important examples are India and China, which were at the pinnacle of development and had great culture before the arrival of these bandits. India over few thousand years, established great height of culture and peace (greats like Gautam Buddha, Mahavir Jain, Chanakya and latter days Sankaracharya, Ramakrishna Paramhansa, Chaitanya Mahapravu, Swami Vivekananda, Dayanand Swaraswati, Thirukkural, Mahatma Phule, Kabir, Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. Ambedkar etc. Similarly in China philosophers Lao tse, Confucious. Emperor in these countries welcome these White race (Britisher) people and allowed them to start trading business in definite areas. Starting from that point, these white race people made cunning plan and purchased over some of the local people and slowly started flexing their muscle and ultimately colonising these countries for long period. During this period of colonialism, they exploited every aspect of that nation, removed all the wealth, destroyed the economy and the morality of these countries, intentionally twisted and destroyed the great history and started teaching forcefully the twisted history showing the inferiority of these colonies and how superior the White race people were.

Violence and destruction became synonym with the white race. Wherever major destruction and devastation was taking place throughout the world in different countries, one could always identify White race for initiation and propagation.

Dictators in different White race countries like Adolf Hitler of Germany, Franco of Spain, Stalin of USSR, Mussolini of Italy and many likes have caused serious damage to the world and promoted violence and torture everywhere.

Two great World Wars were started by the White race, may be against their own race in different countries out of greed and power-hungry nature. There is no need to explain in many words on the World Wars I and II, because these are well chronicled in modern history and have shown how inhuman could be the White race in destroying different nations. Later, this type of war and violence were perpetuated by USA in Vietnam, Afghanistan and by Britain in China in the name of opium war and to quite some extent by Japan in China, Korea and Southeast Asia.

Another side of such disgusting nature of the Whites were the Fascism and Communism on one side and on another side Slave industry promotion in USA.

White race promoted the racism trying to establish the superiority of White race against all others. This was greatly manifested in Nazism of Hitler's Germany where the others, especially the Jews, were slaughtered and tortured for long years. USA practiced the racism to the hilt and started the Slave industry till Abraham Lincoln fought for long to abolish the Slave rule though the southern states of USA were opposing it for long time. Even today there are signs of such racism taking place by the US police against the blacks or even at the sports arena whenever the non-whites wins the medals in Olympic, like Hitler refusing to honour Jesse Owens in 1936 Berlin Olympics, and even today in many football matches jeering sounds and cat calls showing dirty face of racism by the White race is very common.

Latest development of the white race is neo colonialism through modern technology and economic influence on smaller and poorer countries by the giants IT companies of USA and Europe. Recent examples are the clashes of all different governments with Facebook, Google and Twitter - social media, which started dictating the people and influencing even the voting pattern by stealing all the data and selling it to certain agencies who are working on this line. Earlier the colonialism was direct and brute either through business control or through military power but today's neo-colonialism is too dirty in thoughts and nature which really are de-tasting.

White race countries primarily starting from Europe, had early industrial revolution and technological and economic development of these countries took place. In the process, they generated high pollution to take benefit out of such industrial revolution. Latter recently they started propagating the theory of Global warming and pollution control in the world as also carbon emission control and tried to bring the burden on the developing countries which are now in the process of such industrial Revolution and obviously causing carbon emissions. How, after gaining long years of advantage, equal level be with others by asking the developing countries to cut the carbon emission when they have already substantially destroyed the earth's atmosphere by pollution causing severe global warming. Such is the hypocrisy of White race.

Another well planned action by these countries against their ex-colonies and poorer countries to dish out fake and distorted history of these countries to proof the superiority of White race.

Very clever and well-planned move is to spread fake news through the media channels controlled by White race countries against the countries which are strenuously still working out to establish their independence, which are not to the liking of the so-called developed countries so that they may continue to have their market and continue the exploitation.

British invaded different countries on some pretexts like in Africa - Egypt, Kenya, South Africa etc to colonize these countries and exploit the minerals and reaches of these countries, keeping the local inhabitants into miserable condition. Subjected the original inhabitants of these countries to imprisonment, torture, massacre, in the name of so called civilizing the local population. This obviously lead to many uprising and rebellion in different countries like mau mau rebellion against colonialism in Africa. Rebellion in other colonies like India was very severe, forcing British to exit these colonies but clinched to African colonies far longer.

Most hated inhuman system was in South Africa - Apartheid.  Minor fraction of Whites enjoyed everything, and the blacks were not considered as human beings. Blacks were confined in separate areas, could not enjoy all facilities and this led to rebellion by Nelson Mandela, for very long years who was put to prison and finally came out and became the President of the same country. Great thing was that once the black came into power they never took the same kind of revenge on the Whites and proven clearly far superior human character of the non-whites.

Recent example is giving Covid vaccine to poor & developing countries by India, in-spite of high domestic demand, gave out million doses of vaccine to such countries whereas USA banned export till their demand met and sold huge quantity to developed & rich countries. USA forgot the help India extended to US during first wave of Covid at the request of Donald Trump. Character of Whites reestablished.


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