The Minority Factor or Social Chemistry

 The Minority Factor or Social Chemistry

There are similarities between chemistry (polymer chemistry – branch to which I belong) and society of a democratic secular country like India.

All chemical reactions are initiated by catalytic actions, which could be in different form. Similarly, certain external factors creates disturbance in the society. Difference is that the chemical reactions follow strict laws but these type of social disturbances are unpredictable, do not follow any law , as such things are motivated to certain gain / power grabbing . There is no science (search for truth) in this. In science only truth & experimental results prevail whereas in social disturbance misinterpretation and distortion of facts play role – far away from science. 

In polymer (rubber, plastic) chemistry chemical reaction takes place with a monomer (Unit) resulting in homo-polymer ( repetition of same units ) or two / more different monomers ( units ) resulting in Co-polymer.( random or controlled distribution of these units ). These different monomers (units ) play important role in this direction. 

Now, look at the society of our country. It is like a Co-polymer or Hetero polymer because society is comprised of people of different religion, caste, language, region  etc. Each of these groups have specific interest and pull factor. And these create restlessness (unrest ?) in the society like Brownian movement phenomena in chemistry / chemical reaction. 

Purity of the ingredients is vital in any chemical reaction as impurity changes the reaction pattern resulting is improper / unusable product. Hence, before proceeding with such reaction thorough checks are conducted about the purity of the ingredients . 

Similarly, in a society of a secular democratic country like India any such impurity (people / group / practice like caste / religions friction / talaq / polygamy / restriction on modern education / women right & freedom etc) leads to erratic non-homogeneous reaction resulting in suffering of all and ultimate development of the Nation. 

More the homogeneity & purity of ingredients (for a country it is the people) – lesser friction  ( rule of law prevailing )  and better development of the society / country.. Example – see USA – a heterogeneous society of people of different color / physique / language / religion – but are in a homogeneous society (strict rule & law implementation equally for all) resulting in highly developed nation leading the world. 

Other country which could be cited is China which enforces everything to maintain a homogenous society (religion / caste etc are barred) – also producing  great result. Both examples are leading in education / knowledge / technology / high scientific level / economics / literature etc. 

In contrast, fanatic religious countries are heavily lagging behind and are anti-development (e.g ISIS destroying all valuable cultural things, Boko Haram wants to take the world back by few centuries, many Islamic countries killing Bloggers / Atheist / any comment on Islam is blasphemous ) – implementing by force and fear. 

Again back to chemistry. In a co-polymer when the ratio of two monomers (units) are changed, property of the product changes drastically. For example in a co-polymer of Styrene and Butadiene – lowering the first one gives rise to flexible elastic rubbery substance whereas increasing the production of the first one leads to hard brittle plastic substance. First one in 100% will give rise to a known product Styropor whereas 100% second one leads to a well known rubbers used in tyre and other products making. 

Now, with the society similar things happens. When a small fanatic group tries to impose these illogical self interest it leads to an inflexible situation which is brittle and tries to destroy the social harmony causing bitterness. 

In science continuous development is taking place expanding our frontier of knowledge. Nothing, which is not explained & supported by science, is acceptable. Sticking to certain practices which cannot be scientifically justified will lead to destruction only. 

Universe (beyond ours also), Solar system, nature, Nation, Human beings etc. all are governed by laws of science. We must acknowledge & respect this. We cannot sacrifice Galileo any more .

Larger community was tolerant for very long period (painting Sita in nude, Hindu gods caricature, Ram Janam Bhumi being disputed for long, holding beef festival, treatment to Pandit by Kashmiri who unfurl Pakistan & ISIS flag – list is endless).Secular Nehru & your Mahatma Gandhi wanted to give everything to Pakistan. Talking about history of Rana Pratap, Shivaji, Ashok the Great , Chandra Gupta Maurya, Vedas ,Upanishads, Indus Valley Civilisation etc. are communal. 

And what happens if any question is raised about Prophet ? Will any painter dare to paint nude Fatima, what happened to Salman Rashdi, Tasleema Nasreen ? Will you organize Pork festival ?

Hence, as per laws of Chemistry it is necessary to control the smaller component not to spoil the whole product. Mr. Julio Ribero, in his article of 17 May, Indian Express writes that Mr. Sudarshan of RSS said “justice for 85 percent of the population, which he felt was being treated like second class citizen”. I would not like to raise the matter of “minority appeasement” “vote bank theory”, “Hindus and Christians are accused in Pakistan for blasphemy” “why the minority community live in poverty” etc political exploitation. 

I would like to explain / interpret “justice to 85 percent………..” through the Chemical theory as explained above. 

As told, if things go wrong (proportion ) with one component (monomer) of a co-polymer resultant product will be faulty. Either the smaller (community) or the larger component (community) wrong proportion will ultimately lead to improper result harming the society and the blame goes to larger component (community) as has been in practice of “ secularism “ ( which was not originally in the constitution of the country)  for last 70 years.



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