Thank you India by Maria Wirth – Excerpts from the book

Thank you India by Maria Wirth – Excerpts from the book 
( She spent 38 yrs in India )

Indian influence on German Scientists 

German philosophers where very interested in ancient Indian manuscripts which were often looted by missionaries. What about German scientists ? They were also very much interested in this. 

Famous names are among them Einstein, Max Born, Max Planck, Heisenberg, Schrödinger. Weizaecker and Werner von Brown. These scientists of the early 20th century new about Indian philosophy and did not hide their knowledge of Vedanta. Schrodinger often ended his lectures with the Upanishadic quote “Atma is Brahma”. Einstein praised India for the invention of zero. 

…… I realised how advanced German scientists certainly where and why the Americans were so keen to capture them at the end of the war. The Americans and British even tried to out manoeuvre dear French and Russian allies in getting those scientists in 1945. Yet Russians also captured documents this was revealed almost casually by Prof. Dr. KS Balasubramanian of the Goswami Shastri Research Institute in Chennai. Prof. Balasubramanian records the following incident of what Dr. Padma Subrahmanyam a famous dancer had told him. 

Dr. Padma Subrahmanyam had once performance n Leningrad in Russia, She also visited the museum. The director showed her some 1000 ancient Indian manuscripts and told her that they were captured by the Russians at World War 2 from Germany. Among them was a manuscript on missiles and Russia was able to develop its first intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) on the basis of this manuscript. 

Those Indian manuscripts were still in Germany when in 1930s, Heisenberg, and Weizaecker worked on nuclear weapons and Werner von Brown. worked on missiles for Nazi Germany. Incidentally, all 3 also visited India. Moreover, an Indian Brahmin BrahmasrI Dandibhatla Vishwanatha Shastri from Rajahmundry was taken to Germany in the 1930s to help in decoding the rahasya mantras which were used for missile technology. 

How come the German Air Force had fighter jets in the 1930s and ballistic missiles which not only bombarded London but some of them also went into space over 80 kilometre high. Further, they built an atomic reactor and worked on an anti -gravity spacecraft, the famous Nazi Bell. This Nazi Bell resembled in an uncanny way the Rukma Vimana which ShivIkar Bapu had built. It is rumoured it was secretly taken from Bombay to Germany . 

Unfortunately, many Indians ridicule the claim that ancient Indians had vimanas, while Germans took it seriously. 

Wernher von Brown was among the 1000 German scientist, who, together with their documents and families where taken to USA in the operation’ paper clip’. H Hey heye started the space programme of NASA in the 1950s which not only uses mercury ion engines but also values Sanskrit highly. 

Indian Puranas are full of space travels, but vested interests convinced Indians that these are just fairy tales. In Shrimad Bhagavatam Rishi Kardama, showed his wife Devahuti the whole world from an aerial palace which could fly at will and had all the comforts imaginable. Of course, any normal person would dismiss this as a fairy tale. 

During the Colonial era, the British did not support Indian scientists, as the example of Talpade showed. And even when Indian scientists discovered pathbreaking innovations like Jagdish Chandra Bose in wireless communication, the credit would be given to westerners. Google ‘who invented the radio’ and you will get Western names. Even today Bose is excluded from Wikipedia, Bose is also famous for detecting consciousness in plants. Manusmriti, an ancient Dharmic text, mentions the rudimentary consciousness in plants exists. 

Hinduism has no borders because truth has no borders. It does not mind if a Hindu keeps a picture of Jesus in his prayer room. Many Hindus bow reverentially not only when they pass a temple but also when they pass a Church or Sufi shrine. They are sure that there is only one supreme Brahman. 

In ancient times, when there were no books and when scientists did not yet question the reality of sense perception. The guru was the only bridge to the truth. Truth cannot be known in the usual, dual sense. It is thoughtless or I- less way of being, where I and That merge into one, Therefore, the means to discover the truth are unorthodox. Sometimes the disciple needs a shock. 

Since ancient times, gurus held a high place in Indian society because they could give knowledge that made life truly worthwhile. Kings would pay their respects. Yet I wonder whether traditional, the guru has been idealised the way he often is today especially by Westerners, the ancient Indian scriptures maintain that the same consciousness plays different roles in the different forms on this world stage. The guru deserves respect and gratefulness from the disciple however there is no superiority involved. In the Upanishads, many encounters are recorded where the guru encourages intelligent questioning from the disciples. 

There is no doubt that nowadays, there are fake gurus among genuine ones. Today it does not endanger one’s life to teach Indians ancient wisdom, as it did during the long Muslim rule, on the contrary, it can be lucrative. As there is no definite way to know whether a guru is truly enlightened or only pretends to be it may encourage some of the to take up guru as profession.., 

Meanwhile, however the Church changed its tactic regarding gurus it happened several times in recent years that I came across books about gurus in ashram libraries and realised only slowly that they were Christian propaganda material. Deceptively these books or leaflets describe the lives and teaching of well-known Hindu gurus and only in the end come to the point : Jesus Christ is the only true guru . He is the perfect one. Only he can save. One better follows him, All others are imperfect. 

The world is in need of Indian wisdom. 

My stopover in India last over 38 years I love India and while still in Germany, I could not have guessed that one could love a country so much. 

Maybe this is the reason why I feel so incensed when India is under attack. Touches me personally. My sense of fairness is violated. And India and Hinduism are often under heavy attack the best option for humanity, which is Hindu Dharma is made to look as if it is in the worst. I realised it only after I started falling the news I did not understand why it was happening all the big media outlets seemed to go after India.

I also did not understand why Hindus went on the defensive instead of exposing those who may lined their tradition maybe that the majority of Hindus has little knowledge and never deeply reflected on Vedic wisdom and therefore is not sure whether those who attack have a point. 

I never expected that some 40 years later, religion would gain centre stage even in the West. Yet now it was not Christianity but Islam, due to Islamic terrorism. India of course was since long familiar with terror committed in the name of Islam. 

A huge propaganda machine seemed to be involved in fiercely projecting Islam as a religion of peace . The terrorists are misguided youth. Islam is a religion of peace, was regularly stated by whoever stood in front of a TV camera after yet another attack. 

Strangely, nobody asks who or what misguided these youths who killed and maimed at random numerous people, though the question can easily be answered. “Fighting is prescribed for you though you may dislike it ……” says Quran 2.216. It is obvious from history as well as from many verses in the Islamic text that a good Muslim has the duty to spread Islam, till it dominates over all other faiths. When every human being is a Muslim then maybe it could become a religion of peace. But even then a peaceful life on earth is not the goal, the real goal is paradise.

Don't we have a responsibility for those youth who wrongly believe that Allah will give them paradise if they kill infidels, because he likes only Muslims? How can we stop this madness of killing in the name of Allah? Christian leaders are in a weak position as till some 250 years ago Christians too killed in the name of their God . Christianity too like Islam, demands that the doctrine is followed over one’s conscience if the two are in conflict. 

In spite of it, smile comes easily to Indians, and they are quick to recover even after horrendous catastrophes. They are experts in accepting difficult situations and difficult people. 

India is traditionally the land of wisdom. It was persecuted under Muslim rule and ridiculed and demonised by Christian missionaries under British rules. This spiritual side of India hides behind the exterior of a developing nation with its negative aspects like poverty and corruption, yet India is no doubt spiritually more highly developed than other countries. 

Mother India or Bharat Mata is generous and shares her treasure with all human beings. She shows to everyone how to make life joyful and worthwhile provided he is interested in knowing it. There are many paths to the peak of mountain, she explains and such tolerant view is unfortunately rather unique in this world. She even allows others to denigrate or misinterpret her. Truth will be victorious is her moto. 

Vivekananda - during his meditation he felt he should participate at the World Congress of Religions in 1893 in Chicago as advised by a Maharaja friend of his. There, he wanted to present Advaita Vedanta, probably the most beautiful flower among the different Indian philosophical systems. Advaita Vedanta is contained in the last part of the Vedas, the most ancient scripture of humanity and postulate that the manifold appearances in this universe are a sense deception. Basically, everything is a unity - a view to which quantum physics meanwhile also subscribes and which radically questions our traditional world view. 

This man became world famous as Swami Vivekananda. He contributed significantly to the Renaissance of Indian wisdom in India and the West. Vivekananda told his American audience frankly, what he thought about their society. He considered it hypocritical.” What is the use of your proud talk about your society, if truth has no click place in it?” What you call progress is according to me nothing more than the multiplication of desires. And if one thing is clear to me it is this desires bring misery. 

Sages call it by many names, is stated in their Vedas, oldest scriptures of humankind. This view is probably one of the reason why Hindus, compared to Christians and Muslims are more generous regarding different world view. I have not yet met a Hindu who depicted Jesus Christ in poor light. On the contrary, most hold them in high regard on the other hand most Christians tend to depict Krishna, whom Hindus revere as an incarnation of God, in poor light and sometimes even as a devil. 

Christian theologians justify dogmas in hair-splitting ways and jealously guard the boundaries to other religions. The Church leaves on boundaries, in contrast to the Indian tradition, which reveres not only Rama and Krishna but also Buddha as an avatar and might incorporate Jesus as well, the Church suffers from hey superiority complex. 

What love truly is. I was surprised that even today, for many young people love marriage he is not a priority. They seem not to my mind that their parents make the choice. Here in India love develops after marriage and in the West, it ends with marriage. 

India without Ram could not be India. 

Meanwhile my stopover in India a over 38 years. I love India and while still in Germany, I would not have guessed that one could love a country so much. 

India and Hinduism are often under heavy attack. I also did not understand why Hindus went defensive instead of exposing those who maligned their tradition. The reason maybe that the majority of Hindus has little knowledge and never deeply reflected on Vedic wisdom and therefore is not sure whether those. Who attack have a point. 

I never expected that some 40 years later religion again would be centre stage even in the West. Yet now it is not Christianity, but Islam due to Islamic terrorism. 

Islam was out of bounds for criticism not only in the Muslim countries with blasphemy laws, but surprisingly also in the liberal West. To criticise Islam was labelled as Islamophobic or racist and meanwhile can even land one in jail for insulting a community, never mind that islam is not a community. 

A huge propaganda machine seemed to be involved in fiercely projecting Islam as a religion of peace. The terrorists are misguided youth Islam is a religion of peace was regularly stated by whoever stood in front of a TV camera after yet another attack. President Obama also stated it. 

“Fighting is prescribed for you though may dislike it….” says Quran 2.216 it is obvious from his story as well as from many verses in the Islamic texts that a good Muslim has the duty to spread Islam, it dominates over all other faiths. When every human being is Muslim, then maybe it could become a religion of peace. But even then, a peaceful life on earth is not the goal the real goal is paradise. 

Don't we have a responsibility for those youth who wrongly believe that Allah will give them paradise it they infidels, kill because he likes only Muslims. 

How can we stop this madness of killing in the name of Allah ? Christian leaders are in weak position, as still some 250 years ago Christians too, killed in the name of their God. Christianity too, like Islam, demands that doctrine is followed over one’s conscience if the two are in conflict. 

Weather it is a confusion or mischievous agenda, India has a greater responsibility to prevent another dark age for humanity. India was in ancient times the guru of the world. She needs to carry this mandate again. Indian wisdom needs to spread because the world is in need of it. 

The most ancient original revelation regarding the ultimate truth are the Vedas. The Rishis did not create the Vedas. Thanks to their tapas they ‘saw’ them in a cosmic consciousness through the veil of thoughts that hides the truth from ordinary eyes. 

The Vedas are about the eternally valid universal laws, about the Dharma, and they are also a goldmine of knowledge in all fields. This knowledge has never been proven wrong. On the contrary, it has inspired even quantum physics. It is thanks to the Vedas that India has contributed maximum to human civilisation over the millennia. Unfortunately, this fact of India's immense contribution is not common knowledge, because for Westerners the world end Greece and nobody tells them that even the Greek were greatly influenced by India with many of them, including Pythagoras visiting there. 

It truth is to win, we need to be truthful. We must not shy away from exposing unacceptable passages in the scriptures which proved to be a bane for humanity. Especially Hindu leaders must not only spread the knowledge about Dharma, they also must question Adharma in the name of religion. The moto of the Indian Republic is the Vedic dictum “Satyamev Jayate” - truth alone triumphs. Many of the India's great personalities like Swami Vivekananda, Shri Aurobindo predicted that India will be again the guru of the world, as it was in ancient times before the dogmatic religions mixed the truth of “there is only one Supreme Being” with untruth like “this Supreme Being” like some and does not like others.


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